Monday, August 23, 2010

Trading Strategy #1

1. Enter when I feel I know the trend. Turn Bollinger on briefly before entering to ask his advice.

2. I will maintain 0.50% gain as soon as 0.75% is reached. A gain of 0.50% is the minimum daily goal.

3. When gain increases by 0.25%, the stop will tighten by 15%. For example, if gain increases from 0.75% to 1.00%, the stop loss will tighten from 0.50% to 0.65%. This way, I will always seal in more profit, but my tolerance gap will always increase.

Essentially, this stop loss puts losing profit in perspective. If I arrive at 3.00% profit, my greedy side will feel bad if my profit drops to 2.00%. Now, I won't feel so disturbed and will have the wherewithal to wait out larger rallies.

4. I can exit before being stopped out if I think the market is done giving profits.

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